The Perfect Pooch NYC’s Blog of All Things Pets!
Quarantining With Your Dog In NYC
As sheltering in place, social distancing, and (for many of us) working from home has become our “new normal” for a while, it can take some getting used to. While our pups are likely loving having us home more, most of us have to work and can’t give our pets the all-day attention they want. Here are some tips and tricks to keep your pup occupied as we adapt to hunkering down for a while.
Springtime Resolution #3: Exercising and Getting in Shape With Your Pet
THE most common resolution we set for ourselves during the year is to exercise and get in shape. We all know why exercise is important - It makes us feel strong! It gets the endorphines in our body flowing, and it can go a long way to building a healthy mind and happier spirit! But maintaining the motivation to exercise regularly can be downright daunting and most people give up on this resolution after about a month or so (sooner for some of us lazy humans!). This is where an accountability partner can make all the difference. Whether they are 2 or 4 legged, furry or not, partners in physical fitness will help you keep to a schedule and have a great time getting in shape. Here are some great ways to keep active with your pet in the coming months!
Using Your Pet As Your Accountability Partner For Your Springtime Resolutions
It’s the season of rebirth and growth and the perfect time to reboot those New Year’s resolutions we’ve already given up on. The gyms on the Upper West and Upper East Sides have thinned out, the lines at the organic juice bars have shortened, and our attempt at “Kondo-ing” our lives has really just turned into shoving a bunch of our belongings into boxes and pushing those boxes under our beds for “further inspection.” Our hectic NYC lifestyle always has a way of creeping up on us and squashing our most ambitious New Year goals.